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Staff helping visitors on a campsite

Campfire Popcorn

The long-standing classic used on the campfire is Jiffy Pop which has a built in aluminum foil popper (available in most grocery stores). Although it is not advertised to be cooked on the campfire, campers have been doing it for years. But it’s not an easy task, so here’s some tips:

Use grill over hot coals. Attach camp fork to the Jiffy Pop handle using the wire (extending the handle will prevent your hand from burning!). Place Jiffy Pop package onto grill for 1 minute. Once you hear sizzling, move package quickly in a circular motion (using the extended handle) on the grill. Once the popping is less frequent and the aluminum top is puffed up, remove from grill immediately and let cool. Be careful not to cook it for too long: the popcorn can burn easily! Cut open the aluminum foil with a knife.

  • 1 package of Jiffy Pop
  • 1 camp fork
  • 1 campfire grill


Use grill over hot coals. Attach camp fork to the Jiffy Pop handle using the wire (extending the handle will prevent your hand from burning!). Place Jiffy Pop package onto grill for 1 minute. Once you hear sizzling, move package quickly in a circular motion (using the extended handle) on the grill. Once the popping is less frequent and the aluminum top is puffed up, remove from grill immediately and let cool. Be careful not to cook it for too long: the popcorn can burn easily! Cut open the aluminum foil with a knife.