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Survey Fact Sheet Algonquin Cottage Program

Commonly Asked Questions

How will the limits of my property be marked on the ground?
The corners of each parcel, in addition to any intersecting underlying parcel fabric, will be marked by survey monuments (or iron bars) in accordance with the Instructions Governing Ontario Crown Land Surveys and Plans (November 1, 2010). It is an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada to remove these monuments once placed by an Ontario land surveyor.

Will trees on my lot be cut down?
There should be no need for the cutting of mature trees. In many cases branches and undergrowth may have to be trimmed to allow the surveyor to see along the lines of the parcel or to take ties to structures. Any cutting or trimming will be kept to a minimum.

Can the survey include all structures that I currently have?
The 2015 inventory identified a substantial number of lots that have structures located outside of the current lot boundaries. Depending on the type of structure and the total combined area of occupation, we may be able to adjust the parcel limits to accommodate some, or all, of the buildings in accordance with policy. Each parcel will be assessed individually, and the survey instructions issued will outline the approved revised lot boundary.