Featured constellations: Gemini the Twins, Auriga the Charioteer, and Canis Minor

For thousands of years, humans have looked up at the stars. The stars helped them try to understand their purpose, and the role they play in our lives. To help memorize the different stars, patterns of connect-the-dot figures were created by many different cultures. Today, we recognize 88 official patterns or “constellations” of stars. In … Continue reading Featured constellations: Gemini the Twins, Auriga the Charioteer, and Canis Minor

Featured constellation: Orion

For thousands of years, humans have looked up at the stars. The stars helped them try to understand their purpose, and the role they play in our lives. To help memorize the different stars, patterns of connect-the-dot figures were created by many different cultures. Today, we recognize 88 official patterns or “constellations” of stars. Today … Continue reading Featured constellation: Orion

The annual birding battle for the golden binoculars

In today’s post, Learning & Education Specialist Rachelle Law recounts Team Ontario’s push to find as many birds as possible.  Every year, a team of expert birders from Ontario Parks prepare — binoculars in hand — to compete in a heated competition. The goal: spot and record as many bird species as they can over … Continue reading The annual birding battle for the golden binoculars

Celestial objects of interest in November

November is the perfect time for stargazing. Even though the temperatures are cooling down, the early sunset and later sunrise provide us with almost fifteen hours of darkness in which to observe nighttime splendors. Plus, there are some exciting occurrences lighting up the skies all month long. Why not take some time this month to … Continue reading Celestial objects of interest in November