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Cottage Lot Factsheet Regarding Unauthorized Structures

In October 2016, the Ministry sent a package to the primary contact for each cottage lot. Within the package was the document Algonquin Cottage Lease Inventory Summary of Findings, Structures Associated to Cottage Lot. In that document, the Ministry identified any structures that appeared to have been built or significantly modified without written authorization. This included any structures that were built or modified with written authorization (e.g., a work permit for example) but were built or modified in ways that do not comply with the conditions in the written authorization (e.g., the structure was built larger than what was approved). Where a cottage or sleep cabin was identified as being unauthorized, cottagers are encouraged to submit any written documentation they may have which demonstrates the cottage or sleep cabin had been previously authorized by the Ministry. Documentation should be submitted by email to or by regular mail to:

Algonquin Cottages Lot Program
1350 High Falls Road 
Bracebridge ON P1L 0L1

It is important to note that not all unauthorized structures will have to be removed from the cottage lot. In fact, most will be permitted to remain. The Ministry will work with cottagers to try and find a solution to unauthorized structures that complies with the Algonquin Provincial Park Cottage Lot Policy (2018-2038) and the Algonquin Provincial Park Management Plan (as amended).

Cottagers should also note that the removal of structures (if and when necessary) does NOT have to be completed until December 31, 2019 – the removal of structures is not required in order to qualify for 2022 occupational authority (the term of  January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022). All a cottager has to do to qualify for 2022 occupational authority is to be fully paid up with respect to any debts associated with the cottage lot (including for instance, rent, service fees and taxes) and submit the 2022 occupational authority application by March 31, 2017.

The remainder of this fact sheet provides further information regarding what structures have to be removed or modified to meet eligibility. For more information about the removal of cottage lot structures, please email the Cottage Lot Team at or call 705-645-7436.

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